single phase full bridge inverter with R load circuit working and waveforms in power electronics
In this article, I’m going to tell you about a Single phase full-bridge inverter.
The word inverter means Dc to Ac. The input is Dc and the output is Ac. For designing
Full Bridge Inverter there is 4 MOSFET is required two for the positive half
cycle and two for the negative half cycle. I am using PSIM’s latest version for
My circuit is not hardware-based my design circuit is for
power electronics practical. Power electronics is a subject that teaches in
Engineering Universities. In Power Electronics we study the conversion,
inversion, stepdown, step up, Cyclo-converter, Buck Converter, Boost Converter,
Buck-Boost Converter.
Circuit Diagram
The working operation of this circuit is that two MOSFET is
for a positive half cycle and two MOSFET is for the negative half cycle. The
simplest load is Resistor. The value of the resistor depends upon your
requirement in my circuit I use the value of the resistor is 1k and the triggering
angle for mosfet1 is 0 180, mosfet2 180 360, mosfet3 180 360, mosfet4 0 180.
The load is put in between the MOSFETs.
Component list
Load Resistor
Pulse with a given angle
PSIM Software
The MOSFET is a metal oxide field-effect transistor. This is
a three-terminal device that is used for switching. One pin is Drain second pin
is the gate and the third pin is the source.
Here is the picture of MOSFET
Variable motor
High power
Solar inverter
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